About This Project

305. Trivero – Project


1975-76, bronze, h. 26 x 22 x 29 cm
Photo Paolo Monti


It is an alternative proposal to a project that, due to unforeseen circumstances, and not because of ill-will either on my part or on the client’s part, it had to be abandoned.
My intention was to cut and level the tip of a large rock overhanging the road leading to Bielmonte.
On that perfectly horizontal surface I wanted to put a 12 metre bronze stele. To do that, the available surface was not enough, so I had to steal more space from the mountain, enlarging it with a circular area in reinforced concrete and supported by a thick column set in the rock.
In this way, close to the edge of the road, the stele would have protruded like the gnomon of a sundial. It would have pointed to the correct hour for a long time to come, in memory of the person for whom it was going to be erected [M.N.].


In Progetti e luoghi immaginati, catalogue of the exhibition, Milano, Galleria Stendhal, March-April 1983; then Busto Arsizio, Galleria Bambaia, May-June 1983.