With Alberto Giacometti at Parco Sempione, 25 July 1957.
Photo Lamberto Vitali.
With the British sculptor Kenneth Armitage
during the 29th Venice Biennale, 1958. Photo Giacomelli.
With Giorgio Morandi and Rodolfo Pallucchini at the opening of the exhibition
at Galleria del Milione, Milan 1957. Photo Lamberto Vitali.
With Fritz Wotruba (at the head of the table) and Rudi Wach (right)
at the “Brasera meneghina”, 1965.
With Arno Hammacher on the lawn of the house in Aprica, 1972.
With the sculptor Rudy Wach at the exhibition of Fritz Wotruba,
Galleria Pieter Coray, Lugano 1979.
With Dante Isella, the founder Tino De Andreis and the artist’s daughter Laura
at the opening of the exhibition at Galleria Bambaia, Busto Arsizio, 1980.
With Enrico Della Torre and the family at Teglio in Valtellina, summer 1982.